Simple hacks to improve your sleep.

Take the following easy-to-accomplish steps

  • Minimize light in your room- Get a memory foam sleep mask- I recommend the memory foam option available on

  • Stop using any smartphone, tablet, or laptop at least two hours before your ideal bedtime.

  • Avoid watching or reading potentially disturbing content within two hours of your ideal bedtime. This includes: news, podcasts, entertainment with violent themes and images, doom scrolling, etc.

  • Remove work materials from your room. If possible remove any work items from your room. When possible remove any work materials to another room dedicated to work and projects.

  • Download ambient sleep music, use earbuds with compliant foam tips (or similar)

  • Take a hot shower or bath.

  • Use deep breathing and progressive relaxation exercises.

  • Utilize “worry windows” at least twice per day. Establish five-to-ten-minute periods when you allow yourself to think about all of the life issues related to stress and anxiety. In the morning, pick a time at least an hour after you wake up, and in the evening, two hours before you plan to initiate sleep. Write down your thoughts and worries in a journal, when the “worry” comes back at night, practice a self-statement such as “I know about this, I think about it during my next ‘worry window.’”

  • Get exercise daily- your brain will use any excess physical energy available

  • Read a book before bed, or if you wake up in the middle of the night. Ideally use a Kindle, or clip-on night light to minimize light.

  • Have a light snack if you awaken in the middle of the night.

Check out the Hybernate Memory Foam Sleep Mask! 

You will not be disappointed with the Hybernate Memory Foam Sleep Mask!