
Steven will help you gain awareness of beliefs and modes of thinking about yourself that interfere with reaching higher levels of success in your career and relationships. Steven will help you develop a roadmap toward goals and objectives that have eluded your grasp. Although unexpected life events may take you off-course, Steven will be there to orient you back to your larger goals and purpose.

The Approach

Steven will initially help you clarify your goals and objectives through the completion of two individual interviews, and a personality inventory. The cost of the initial coaching assessment is $275. After reviewing the results, Steven will provide you a written summary with his insights and recommendations. The summary will include a list of your primary strengths, modes of thought that interfere with success, and clarification of goals and objectives for your personal roadmap toward success.  After the assessment, it will be up to you to determine the frequency and length of your coaching sessions with Steven.  The cost for a 50-minute coaching session is $105.